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Sunday 8 November 2020

More lies

One thing that really surprises me about this virus is how willing people are to put their lives on hold. Politicians lie, no-one ever believes anything they say, that's a given just as night follows day... so why are people suddenly so keen to believe the guff being spouted by Govt? The evidence for Covid being a serious threat to life is, at best, flimsy and, at worst, a pack of downright lies, but people just lap it up. They nod their heads sagely and blindly go along with it all. Why?

When Boris called a second lockdown he said infection rates were rising and there was " alternative". Not Actually True. Infection rates were already falling. His decision for Lockdown 2.0 was based on figures which were inflated to 'prove' his point and then quietly changed again. See what I mean about politicians lying...? Has this knowledge of his lies made any difference to a gullible Joe Public? No, not at all.

All it took was a single press conference to influence people's thinking and scare them into compliance; it'll take a hell of a lot longer for them to see sense and realise this isn't about controlling the virus... it's about controlling them. More fool them for falling for it. They'll wake up one day and realise they've been had.

Sad to see even HM the Queen has been sucked into this lunacy and has worn a mask in public for the first time. She was a small beacon of normality while she was holding out against it, but I suppose she has to be seen to support the line being peddled by Govt... no matter how dishonest it is.

I watched the Remembrance Day Service from the Cenotaph this morning and observed the Silence. The Queen was there as were most members of the Royal Family. Very moving, as usual, but very different and somehow even more poignant without the marchpast of veterans. It must have been hard for them to be excluded, particularly as some of the older ones won't be around for the next one. This was entirely Boris's doing - I lay the blame squarely at his door. It will not be forgotten.

Strange times we live in. Donald Trump is out of the White House and Joe Biden is in... Good Luck America, you'll need it.

We did a bit of gardening yesterday before the garden goes into its own winter lockdown. Just a bit of cutting back, some tidying up and Mr S-V transplanted some strawberry plants. There were eight tight little buds on my white rose, looking a bit sorry for themselves - they clearly weren't going to bloom stuck out there in the cold so I brought them indoors and put them in a jug on the mantlepiece. They started to open today... the last roses of summer.

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