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Wednesday 30 September 2020

Lost the plot

Has anyone seen the plot? Boris has lost it.

We're lurching from one badly thought out rule change to another. It's all so complicated and convoluted that even Boris gets it wrong when questioned. Covid isn't the problem, it's the poor decisions being taken by Govt that are doing the damage. If this was a film it'd be something like Groundhog Day crossed with Misery. Let's just say I don't think it'd be a success at the box office.

The newspapers are finally starting to get the message - they really need to keep hammering it home. If you're a politician of a nervous disposition this morning's headlines didn't make easy reading. 

It really does look as though the Tory party has a death wish. To be honest, I wish it'd hurry up; just die and give us all a break. I don't much care who we get next - they can't possibly be any worse.

Boris and the Chuckle Brothers had yet another press conference earlier on today... god help us. I haven't seen, read or listened to any of it. I'd rather eat my own leg than watch that rubbish - I refuse to give them any credence. I daresay I'll find out eventually what joys they've come up with this time...

On a more jolly note, I've ordered us some treats from Bettys of Harrogate as a try-out before Christmas - arriving tomorrow. I think we're in a period where, if treats were ever needed, they're certainly needed now! There'll only be the two of us here for Christmas but, given that it won't be anything like normal, I think I'll just buy stuff in and let someone else do the prep for a change. 

It really feels like autumn now - summer disappeared pretty sharpish! The weather is any combination of grey, wet, windy and cold. It could be a very long winter. I wouldn't mind a bit of snow, though, just so I can give my new boots an airing!

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