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Monday 9 August 2021

Fruitcake anyone?

I seriously worry about the brainwashing that's gone on to get us to this point in the Covid story. I'm not really surprised at the comments on Twitter and messageboards but I am a bit sad. Some of them are really nasty about anyone who's refused the jab. 

Those who've had the jab are so sure they're right - anyone who isn't as sure as them is an 'anti-vaxxer', 'idiotic', 'dangerous' and 'needs a good slap'. Brian May thinks I'm a 'fruitcake'. I understand why they feel that way but how will this play out for the future? Will there always be a them and us divide? I suspect there will. The propaganda that's been put out has been so devious, so insidious, it's almost impossible to counteract.

I'm grateful that my family have accepted my position on the jab, but not everyone will be as lucky. This has the potential to tear some families apart, especially now the jab is being offered to 16 and 17-year-olds. It really is not the role of Govt to drive a wedge between loved ones. It's shameful what they're doing.

Just for the record I am not an anti-vaxxer. In my life I've had a multitude of vaccines, including a few that most people haven't had because we lived abroad for three years. I am anti this particular jab; I refuse to even refer to it as a vaccine. If others choose to have it, I respect their choice; I just wish they'd respect mine.

I sense a similar attitude emerging to mask-wearing. There were a few sideways glances thrown my way in M&S today by people wearing masks. I was not, I stopped wearing one when the Govt said they were no longer mandatory. If others choose to be masked, good for them, as far as I'm concerned they can wear a wetsuit, flippers and a diver's helmet... I choose not to. Choice seems to be an alien concept to some, it's so much easier to control people if you take away their choices...

As I was sitting here typing I just saw the date in the corner of the laptop... 09.08.21. It is exactly 50 years ago today that I met Mr S-V for the first time when I started work in the same office! 50 years... dear god, where did that time go? Blink and you'd miss it.

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