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Monday 30 August 2021

August Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday Monday. It's grey, drizzly and chilly. I'll be glad when this poor excuse for a summer is over.

I haven't written anything for a while, mainly because I'm so worn down by what's going on that I don't know what to say or where to start.

Covid rumbles on. The threats and coercion continue as politicians go into overdrive. They're having to keep this nonsense going because they don't know what to do to get us out of a situation they created. You have to feel sorry for politicians - their small brains really aren't up to this.

The next 'wave' is being predicted once children go back to school after the summer holidays. Phrases like "cases will spiral" and "we may see record highs" are being bandied about. Unsurprisingly.

At the beginning when Boris et al were trying to scare people witless, they did such a good job that they've now found it's impossible to bring normality back. Many people have become accustomed to their fear, they've found they actually like the rules and regulations, they like being on furlough, they like being told what to do. The Govt is reaping what it sowed.

This country is now on the verge of jabbing 12-15 year-olds. I never thought I'd say that; I can't believe any sane parent would accept this for their child. Giving the jab to adults who can weigh up the pros and cons is one thing; giving it to children, when there is no long term safety data for a medication that could affect them for the rest of their lives, is another thing entirely. I am horrified at this. We'll see.

Afghanistan is now in the daily news mix - yet another shambles caused by woefully inadequate politicians. It's been in and out of the news in one way or another for most of my adult life - it will continue to run and run.

Eric Clapton, god love him, has a new single out to download "This has gotta stop". He is not a happy chap about the way Covid is being dealt with. I've loved Eric's music since I was in primary school, I've seen him several times at the Royal Albert Hall and once at Wembley stadium. A long, long time ago, back in the day, "Clapton is God" was spray-painted by graffiti artists on bridges and walls. They were right. He is.

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