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Sunday 13 December 2020

Tree's up!


Less than two weeks to go and our tree's up - not huge but, as anyone will tell you, size isn't everything! Little bit earlier than usual, but we need all the feelgood factors we can lay our hands on this year.

Father Christmas interrupted his busy schedule yesterday and did a drive-by through the village! It was lovely for the children who've had to miss a visit to his grotto this year.

I'm very much aware that everyone's Christmas plans may still come to nothing if Boris, even at this late stage, listens to his 'scientists'; he can still pull the plug on festivities. The hand-wringing boffins are giving daily warnings of dire consequences if we have the temerity to see our families over Christmas - I bet they're a riot at parties! It gets on my bloody nerves. They can sod off.

The sad thing is so many people are still going along with this nonsense; on the back of Govt lies they're going to spend Christmas on their own rather than risk getting a disease from which 99.5% of people recover. I've got no time for them if they're stupid enough to trust the Govt rather than think for themselves. See your family for god's sake, you're a long time dead.

Brexit is not going well. Boris and the EU have extended the deadline to give them time to cobble some sort of fudged deal together. What they're really trying to do is come up with a way of us staying in the cesspit of the EU while kidding us that we've left. Boris isn't much of a Leader and he certainly isn't a Leaver; if he really had been, we would have been out of the clutches of the EU a damn sight quicker than this. Liars and shysters, the lot of 'em.

I mentioned panic buying in my last post. Unsurprisingly, people are already clearing the shelves, not helped by newspaper headlines shrieking "Don't stockpile food!" What do they think people are going to do after seeing that?? As Corporal Jones might say "Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring"!!

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