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Sunday 29 March 2020

Lotties, Lynne and Lentils

Did you remember to change your clocks? Well, it’s an hour less in lockdown, I suppose. It’s now officially British Summer Time, which accounts for the sleet showers being flung against the window this morning by a howling north-east gale. Very summery.

We live opposite the village allotments – lucky us. I love ‘lotties’, they’re so peaceful and calming, a little oasis. We've been taking our allowable “once-a-day” walk there - we admire or insult other people’s fruit and veg crops. “Wow, look at the size of their red onions!” or “Our rhubarb looks a lot better than that!” All the plots look very tidy and well-tended – a nice way of getting some air and exercise. Only a few people were working over there on Friday; they raised their hands, waving in a resigned, socially-distanced type of way.

Jeff Lynne. What can I say? He’s the man I need at a time like this. Well, not so much Jeff himself, although I love him, it’s more his music (other musical acts are available). Mr Simply said he needed a blast of normality last night – he put Jeff on and blew the dust out of the soundbar and speakers.

Apologies to anyone within earshot… unfortunately for them, I know all the words….

I’ve made some curried red lentil and vegetable soup, using some fairly disreputable looking veg lurking in the fridge – the sort I used to throw in the compost bin. Not now. Three bendy carrots, five limp sticks of celery, an onion, a tin of tomatoes, half a mug of red lentils and a good spoonful of curry paste with some Marigold stock made a huge pot of soup which will provide four day’s lunches. Jamie Oliver..? Who’s he?

Intrepid as ever, we ventured out in the car to a local farm shop. They had milk!! And eggs, fruit, veg, pasta, lentils and chickpeas. The excitement!! I ordered by phone and they left a box outside the shop for us to collect. All done without coming into contact with a single soul… but I do miss having a wander round Waitrose.

Look at the cauli I got – size of a football.

Wait there, my beauty, I have plans for you...

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