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Monday 31 May 2021

Happy Birthday to me!

As of today I am officially a pensioner! 66 Not Out.

At last I'll be able to start drawing my State pension - six years later than promised, after the lying shysters in Govt changed the pensionable age for women, managing rather neatly to short-change me by about £45k in the process...! Finally, they can no longer weasel out of giving back some of the extortionate amounts of tax and National Insurance I've paid over the years.

I'm not quite sure how I managed to get to this age - it seems only yesterday I left school, but there you go. Time flies when you're having fun... so they say.

And I will have fun today... for one thing, it's a Bank Holiday and for another, we'll be seeing our lovely foursome later! There'll be hugs, presents and a cake with candles (both procured from Waitrose by Mr S-V, love him); just for a little while I'll get down off my soapbox and stop raging with fury over bloody Covid and associated Govt ineptitude.

I can't believe this is the second birthday I've had since this debacle started. There'd better not be a third!

Before I get off the aforementioned soapbox, I note the overpaid suits in the NHS and assorted Govt advisers are wittering again about the NHS being "under pressure" and "overwhelmed" if the country opens up and starts behaving normally on June 21st. Strangely, they seem surprised there's a considerable number of non-Covid patients needing treatment. Well, when you slammed the doors on them 15 months ago, matey, what the hell did you expect to happen?

Were all the dodgy hips and knees, the heart conditions, the cancers, diabetes, COPD and all the other illnesses people suffer supposed to just magically get better and go away?? How very inconsiderate of people to still be ill and to expect the NHS slackers to finally do some bloody work for a change!!

This is our "wonderful" NHS, the one for which we all pay handsomely and for which we were all locked up in March 2020, in order to "protect". 

So what was the point of "protecting" our esteemed Health Service if, every time it's needed, it can't cope and comes up short?! Answers on a postcard, please.

*Gets down off soapbox and gets ready to see our lovely Troops*

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