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Saturday 10 April 2021


I don't like people... I never have; I much prefer dogs, or any animals, in fact. You could count on the fingers of both hands the number of people I genuinely care about. In general I find people a disappointment; they're invariably selfish and dishonest, and always more concerned with themselves rather than looking through a wider lens and seeing a bigger picture.

Oh, they say all the right things and talk a lot about doing things for the "Greater good"; they're as nice as ninepence as long as everything is going their way, but when push comes to shove it becomes all about them. When something happens that inconveniences them, or doesn't fit with what they want, that's when you see the real person beneath the veneer.

So, what is it that's got me fired up this way today? Well, it's the death of The Duke of Edinburgh. Seeing people on chat boards complaining and whinging about "emotional incontinence" and Friday night's TV coverage being "overkill" and "I was looking forward to the Masterchef final"...! 

Well, aren't you full of the milk of human kindness - compassion must be your middle name! You poor things, how dreadful for you, having to miss Masterchef or HIGNFY - however will you manage? It must have been awful... admittedly, not quite as awful as losing your beloved husband of 73 years, a man who served with devotion to duty for eight decades... but, well... it's priorities, isn't it, a pre-recorded cookery show for numpties is clearly more important.

I imagine their lives (and heads!) are so empty and shallow that Masterchef counts as a highlight. It says a lot about them that they're prepared to go public with their nastiness. If I was that ghastly I'd take good care to keep it well hidden. They're clearly not even intelligent enough to manage that simple task.

What the hell is wrong with these people? They sicken me.

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