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Friday 8 January 2021

Lockdown 3.0 week 1

Less than a week into Lockdown 3.0 and I'm pretty fed up. I'm not alone in this - my lovely neighbour texted me saying the same thing. People seem less accepting of this one than they were of the previous two; I think it's all starting to get to us a lot more.

I see supermarkets are warning against panic buying... yet again. Why are people so stupid? They didn't starve to death during the first lockdown and, having learned a lot in the last year, supermarkets are much better at keeping shelves stocked now... just buy what you actually need, you idiots.

Predictably, people are online complaining about supermarket deliveries... "They're quite often late and they didn't have my usual smoked salmon"...! Well, it's not like you were going anywhere, is it, and I daresay you won't fade away if you have to eat a different brand or, perish the thought, maybe even eat something different and let the poor bloody fish stay alive?! I saw one woman saying "They gave me a refund for £2.00 on my order but I'm sure it should have been £2.34"...!  Word of advice - if you're that hard up luv, try walking to the shop and avoid paying the delivery fee.

Personally, I'm really grateful to all the delivery guys, the supermarket staff and the binmen who've worked tirelessly, without moaning, throughout this entire debacle. If I get different apples or a smaller bag of oranges, it doesn't matter - I'm just glad someone is working to get them to me. Every one of them is a star.

I'm not sure I can blame it on lockdown, but I've noticed recently I'm looking old. Not just a bit tired or in need of a holiday... properly old. Now, I know I'm not in the first flush of youth but I seem to have gone from "Not bad for her age.." to "Blimey, she's seen better days" in a matter of weeks! My face seems to be on a very slippery slope, heading southwards at a rate of knots. Maybe there is something good to be said for masks after all...!

Made a batch of Tomato and Cranberry Chutney yesterday. Tomatoes were so cheap in M&S it seemed a shame not to buy them. I haven't made this for a while - I'd forgotten how much I like it!

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