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Friday 27 November 2020

Tiers before bedtime

More bloody tiers. Call it what you like, it's just lockdown by another name and we're all going to be in tiers until the Spring. Deep joy.

Tier 2 for us and our son. As of Tuesday we can visit each other but only outdoors... in bloody December!! 

This virus is deadly, apparently, until Dec 22nd... BUT on Dec 23rd The Troops can come to ours - we can hug and kiss, they can even stay the night! - then on Dec 28th the virus becomes deadly again and we're back in Tier 2. Yeah, right! If it's as dangerous as they'd have us believe, why are schools open, why are shops, restaurants and pubs opening up again and why 'allow' us to meet up over Christmas, with no social distancing? I think we all know the answer to that. We're being played for fools.

There's a serious case of smoke and mirrors going on here. Boris has ballsed up time and time again since this whole debacle started - he's now just trying to delay the inevitable moment when he has to face the music and own up to what he's done to our country.

This lockdown has had much more of an effect on my mood than the first one. Each day is just a matter of getting through it; there seems to be no end in sight, sadly, and that only makes it worse. 

I'm not in my dotage yet, but at my time of life every year counts; I'm giving up at least a year of what's left of it to Boris's criminally poor handling of a virus. A virus which more than 99% of people survive. That's a year I'll never get back. Nine months, and counting, since I hugged my grandchildren...

I glanced out at the sky as I was closing the shutters last evening; it was really clear - looking south-easterly I could see Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon. So beautiful. The lump of rock we inhabit seemed pretty pathetic by comparison.

Made a really nice pasta dish yesterday - it doesn't look anything special but it was definitely greater than the sum of its parts. Flavoursome, creamy and easy - best of all, it's all store cupboard stuff that's always to hand - what's not to like? I should have taken a pic but I only remembered when it was half eaten... duh!

We're into December next week, almost Christmas in fact! Season of mince pies, cake, naff films and more snacks than you can shake a stick at! Maybe that'll buck me up and get me to pull myself together.

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